Partner with us! Show your support of character education by wearing your character t-shirt and get free admission to home athletic events on November 21st and 30th! #dragonnation

The 2nd quarter specials newsletter can be read at the link below. There is a lot of great learning I know the children are excited about. #DragonNation

Ms. Pope’s class taking advantage of this odd November weather during ELA! Students are Learning about adjectives. Describing the weather as “beautiful” worked perfectly! #DragonNation

Miss Kemper's students have been working hard on making a windmill out of reused material and seeing if it moves in front of a fan. Their teamwork and thinking outside the box was fun to watch! #DragonNation

Mrs. Robinson’s and Mrs. Anderson’s classes working with their table groups to choose a target audience for a “Benefits of Planting Trees” infographic. They are also discussing where to place the infographic poster/info to best reach their targeted audience! #DragonNation

Please click the link below for C.I.S. November News. Have a great month! #DragonNation

Please take a moment to read our latest issue of "The Gold," Cameron R-1 School District's newsletter. This issue features information regarding our upcoming dramatic production of Disney's Frozen Jr., as well as pertinent information regarding supportive services and the buildings' plans to honor our local Veterans. #dragonnation

Join us tomorrow for 1st Fridays by wearing your character shirt! Thank you to our amazing sponsors who support positive character in our schools and community. #dragonnation

Congratulations to CIS character students of the month for October. The character trait was teamwork. #DragonNation

Mr. Stocks's class learned about chemical reactions. #DragonNation

In Miss Kemper's science lesson today they learned about chemical reactions by mixed vinegar & baking soda! #DragonNation

CIS is inviting veteran family members to eat breakfast with their CIS student on Friday, November 10.
Parents, we need your help in inviting any family member veteran to the breakfast. The link below is a form to fill out saying who will be attending or feel free to contact the CIS office by Friday, November 3 so we can plan accordingly.

Mrs. Robinson’s and Mrs. Anderson’s classes are conducting interviews and responding from the perspective of the main character from a passage they have been studying. #DragonNation

Good Day,
CIS Fall Parties are tomorrow afternoon from 2:00 p.m.-2:30 p.m. Students are allowed to wear their costumes to school but are not allowed to wear anything scary or gory, have full face paint or masks or have weapons: real or fake.
CIS allows 4 parents per classroom to attend. Those parents have been notified based on the party sign-up sheets turned in at the beginning of the year. #DragonNation

Happy Monday!
We will have Fall picture retakes next Wednesday, November 8. Ordering information is below.
Wagner Portrait Group will be at school to photograph any students who were absent on the initial picture day or any student that needs his/her picture retaken.
If you are having a picture taken as a RETAKE, please make sure your student returns their package in its entirety, including the package insert sheet, to the photographer on retake day.
(Feel free to attach a note to describe what you’d like us to do differently.)
Online Pre-Order Password: 9E8W4P2T
Can’t order online or have other questions? We are happy to help! 314-567-5900

Parent Teacher Conferences were wonderful yesterday! We enjoyed having the time to bond with parents and partnering to make the best educational experience for every child. Thank you to PTSA and the First Baptist Church for the treats to get the teachers through the day. We are grateful! #DragonNation

Drug-Free Super STAR assembly was a success. #DragonNation

Breakfast and Lunch menus for November. #DragonNation

Welcome to Parent Teacher Conference Day! We are so excited to sit down and celebrate your child's success!
Due to specials teachers teaching at different buildings, I wanted to send some information so you can be sure to meet with them as well! #DragonNation

Take a step away from academics for a moment and enjoy the pictures of Ms. McIntosh's class having fun with fall leaves at recess! #DragonNation