Good day!
Please click the link below to access the C.I.S. March Newsletter. Please note tonight is a big night at C.I.S. We have the Title I Family Night and Book Fair from 4:00-6:00p.m. We hope to see you there! #DragonNation

Happy Monday!
Please see the flyer attached with some menu changes. Have an amazing day! #DragonNation

Please use the QR code or the link on the attached from to order a yearbook. Deadline to order is March 25. A paper copy was sent home yesterday too. We do not order extras so make sure to get your order in. #DragonNation

The Cameron R-1 School District will not be in session today, Wednesday, March 5th, due to inclement weather. This day will be added to the end of the school year.

Students in Mrs. Ray’s class are learning about Weather Factors and Hazards. Today they used the Scientific Inquiry Process to investigate the effect if water on Earth materials. They explored how water flows through different materials and made a connection between permeability and flooding. - Mrs. Ray #DragonNation

Join us in congratulating and celebrating Mrs. Switlik and Mrs. Erin as our Cameron Intermediate School Employees of the Year!! Mrs. Sheila Switlik is our CIS Teacher of the Year for her outstanding dedication, service and exemplary knowledge she brings to the students and staff as our Speech and Language Pathologist. Mrs. Erin Morley is our Above and Beyond the Call winner for her duties as an administrative assistant. We appreciate both of you for all you do to help our students and school shine so brightly! 💛🖤 #DragonNation

Read Across America week will be celebrated at CIS March 10-13 along with our book fair! Please see the flyer for fun days of reading. #DragonNation

Parkview Elementary and Cameron Intermediate School present: Puzzle Palooza on March 11 from 4:00-6:00pm at C.I.S.
The book fair will also be having a parent night at the same time! Come and enjoy the world of literacy puzzles, making your own puzzle, having a snack and looking at the book fair with your family! There will be a Title Parents meeting at 6:00pm in the C.I.S. Conference room across from the library. We hope to see you all on March 11! #DragonNation

Good day,
March menus are attached! Have a great weekend! #DragonNation

Happy Day!
Spring pictures are around the corner! I hope Spring is too!
C.I.S. individual and class group photos will be taken on Thursday, March 6. Please see the flyer attached to pre-order photos. #DragonNation

Cameron R-1 School District's teachers, administration, and staff are looking forward to welcoming students, (penguins, maybe even polar bears) back to school tomorrow! It will still be cold in the morning, so don't forget those insulated hats and gloves. Since we'll be easing into the weekend with a one-day week, we've decided to forego the curling, and move right into speed skating so we can catch up on lost time. We'll see everyone in the rink bright and early!

Good day,
When we are able to return to school the attached breakfast and lunch menus will be served. Stay safe and warm. #DragonNation

Day 3,247: Well, it's still snow-covered and frigid, and we've decided to embrace the madness of living in Minnesota. Starting Friday (hopefully), we will return to school and plan to practice Curling all day. It's a lifetime, athletically-inclusive sport, and you compete on the ice when it's freezing. No School for the Cameron R-1 School District Thursday, February 20th.

We regret to inform you that we are expecting polar bears from Lawson, and after 40 days in the frozen tundra, we're hooking up the sled dogs. Seriously, it's still winter and we are struggling with some road conditions and cold weather. The Cameron R-I School District will not be in session Wednesday, February 19, 2025. This day will be made up at a later time.

The Cameron R-I School District will not be in session tomorrow, Tuesday, February 18th, due to the forecast for additional snow accumulations overnight and throughout the day tomorrow.
There will be NO preschool screenings. If you still have winter decorations up, please take them down and consider replacing with spring decor - we are officially sick of winter!

Community Partnerships are here today! The partners are making real life connections for students between what they are learning and how the standards are used in the work place. Thank you to the 5th grade partners UMC, YMCA, CosMedic Dentistry, and Farmers State Bank for devoting time to our children! #DragonNation

Community Partnerships are here today! The partners are making real life connections for students between what they are learning and how the standards are used in the work place. Thank you to the 3rd grade partners Cameron Pet Supply, BTC Bank, Pauline Ford Photography, and Bank Midwest for devoting time to our children! #DragonNation

Community Partnerships are here today! The partners are making real life connections for students between what they are learning and how the standards are used in the work place. Thank you to Ice Capital Management, Performance Plus Rehabilitation Center, City of Cameron, RE/MAX Partners, Hahn Realty and the Cameron Newspaper for devoting time to our children! #DragonNation

Due to the past couple of snow days, I wanted to keep everybody in the loop about tomorrow.
* The menu tomorrow will be: chili, baked potato, broccoli and fruit cocktail.
* C.I.S. will have Valentine's Parties as previously planned.
* Reminder no school on Monday, February 17 to observe Presidents' Day.
Have a great day #DragonNation

Cameron R-I will not have school tomorrow due to impending weather. It is not an AMI day. #DragonNation