Good Day C.I.S. Parents:
Please click the link below to read the February Newsletter. #DragonNation

Check out the 4th grade Starbooks Reading Event! See details here and watch for the permission form sent home with your 4th grader! - Mrs. Pennington #DraginNation

Cameron R- I will have a 2 late start tomorrow, Thursday, February 6, 2025. Please read the letter attached for details.
Notable: Drop off at CIS is at 9:30, breakfast will not be served, buses will run two hours later than normal.

Cameron R-I Schools will not have school in person today, February 5, 2025 due to slick road conditions. It will be designated as an Alternate Methods of Instruction (AMI) day. Students should complete Day 5 of AMI packets.

Families and Staff -
Following a couple spring-like days, we are reminded that it is still winter, and winter weather can arrive at any time. Though we have not taken advantage of a Late Start option for some time, the Cameron R-I School District would like to inform everyone that, should conditions allow, a 2-hour Late Start protocol could be utilized in the future. Ahead of any potential need, we'd like to take the opportunity to let you know what a 2-hour Late Start would look like. This is NOT a notice of a Late Start, but rather a communication to guide us should the need arise. Please review the attached memorandum for full details.

February breakfast and lunch menus are attached! #DragonNation

CIS Library newsletter! #DragonNation

Mrs. Ray’s Math class worked with Play-Doh to make equal groups and to show different fractions. #DragonNation

Mrs. Anderson’s & Mrs. Robinson’s classes used their classmates’ library/free reading books to find the authors purpose in 5 books of their choice! It was a fun activity about author’s purpose which led to some impromptu book chats! #DragonNation

Today in class we analyzed the similarities and patterns when working with multiplication, division and fractions! Here we are dividing ‘crackers’ between friends! - Ms. Pope #DragonNation

We got to be Text Feature surgeons today in ELA! We had a blast performing “surgery” by cutting and pasting nonfiction text features from magazines. ~Mrs. Grimes #DragonNation

Please see the attachment for the change to breakfast and lunch menus tomorrow, January 22. #DragonNation

Happy Day,
Please click on the link below to access the C.I.S. January Parent Newsletter. #DragonNation

Tomorrow, Tuesday, January 21st, has been designated an AMI day for the Cameron R-1 School District due to dangerous windchills that will last throughout the day. Please follow AMI protocols in place and stay inside, if possible. Warm coats, hats, and gloves will be needed when we return to school on Wednesday. Thank you.

Cameron R-I will not have school tomorrow to observe MLK Jr birthday. #DragonNation

It was a great day for a little flashlight Friday in Mrs. Gitthens class! #DragonNation

After learning about the causes of World War I, Mrs. Fitzgerald’s Social Studies classes worked together to create a sequence of events web demonstrating the events leading up to the war. #DragonNation

Yesterday, students did a skittles experiment to see how weathering (the water drops) causes erosion on the skittles over time. They loved it! Mrs. Hamilton #DragonNation

Mrs. Fitzgerald’s ELA students take a “book walk” while making predictions, inferencing, and determining the author’s purpose. #DragonNation

Upcoming Infant and Preschool Screenings for residents of the Cameron R-1 School District