Honor Choir will not be starting this month as originally planned. Rehearsals will begin in January and run through the second semester. Be on the lookout for additional information and permission forms in December. Questions? Please email Mr. Hess at jhess@cameronschools.org

Reminder: Fundraisers are due next Monday! (October 1) Please send packets and payments with your child.

Today we kicked off our fundraiser. The packet came home with your student and provides all the details. In addition to having students take orders, you can also shop online. Please forward this link to your friends and family. click here:www.bit.ly/cameronCIS

Reminder: Tomorrow, September 21st is an early release for Homecoming activities. Classes at CIS will release at 12:20 pm. The Homecoming parade will start at 1:30 pm.

It’s Cameron’s Homecoming for the Holidays
Sept. 17-21!
Monday-Christmas Pajamas ( Wear Pajamas)
Tuesday- Valentine’s Day (Wear Red)
Wednesday-St. Patrick’s Day (Wear Green)
Thursday- 4th of July (Wear Red, White, & Blue) Friday- Black and Gold Day (Wear Black & Gold)

School will dismiss at 12:20 pm September 21st for Homecoming activities.

Reminder: CIS Picture Day is this Friday, August 31st and school will not be in session September 3rd and 4th.

5th Grade Robotics still has a few spots left! Sign-up by visiting wernimontscience.weebly.com! Hurry, only 30 applicants accepted!

Title I Parent Meeting Thursday, August 30th at 6:00 pm. Please join us to find out about the opportunities our students have access to through the program. All parents and students are invited to attend. We hope to see you there!

Tonight is a home football game. Please come out and support the Dragons! Just a reminder that any students in grades 3-5 that attend the football need to be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Students are NOT allowed to be dropped off by themselves.

Don't forget....... School starts TUESDAY, AUGUST 21st at 7:51 am. Breakfast is served 7:15 am - 7:45 am. School ends at 2:57 pm.
Car riders should be picked up and dropped off in front of the building. Please DO NOT park if picking your child up as a car rider, it is a safety concern.
We can't wait to see you! Have a great weekend!

Due to lightning, the pool party sponsored by the Optimist Club has been cancelled.

A big thank you to Bank Midwest for their school supply donations!

Back to School Nights
3rd Grade: August 15th, 6:00 -7:30 pm
4th and 5th Grade: August 16th, 5:30 - 7:00 pm

Picture Day is scheduled for August 31st! Packets will be sent the week prior.

4th Annual Back to School Splash August 16, 2018 8-9:30 pm

CIS 2018-2019 School Supply List