December breakfast and lunch menu's are attached! #DragonNation

The C.I.S. students were asked to share their favorite lunch menu. Today, the C.I.S. kitchen staff cooked food from the Student's Menu Creation! The student menu chosen included mini corn dogs, macaroni and cheese, corn and apples! #DragonNation

Mrs. Kenagy and the students have been working hard to prepare amazing winter musicals. The musicals will be in our wonderful new Performing Arts Center at the High School.
3rd grade students need to arrive at 5:45p.m. and will begin at 6:00p.m.
4th grade students need to arrive at 6:45p.m. and will begin at 7:00p.m.

We are wishing our families a great Thanksgiving. #DragonNation

No School Wednesday, November 22 a Friday, November 24. #DragonNation

Mrs. Anderson’s ELA class looked for descriptive language as they made a list of items/prices that would make the perfect Thanksgiving dinner! The budget: $75! We used The Cameron Market website as our source!🤩🤎🦃 Happy Thanksgiving! #DragonNation

Mrs. Erickson’s class using their schemas and clues from the text to make friendsgiving inferences! #DragonNation

C.I.S. will not have tutoring tomorrow, Tuesday, November 21. Happy Thanksgiving. #DragonNation

Please notice the menu change for tomorrow, November 21. #DragonNation

Mrs. Robinson’s class flashlight Friday & s’mores + a campfire! #DragonNation

The students built restraints to hold their egg passengers in their car during a collision to model how restraints work. #DragonNation

These C.I.S. artists owl projects are showcased at the Frozen Jr play this weekend! #DragonNation

C.I.S families,
We have a lot of lost and found! Please call CIS as 816-882-1046 if you see something you have already purchased once and would like to pick up! #DragonNation

Look at our students showing their love for reading in the library! We are kicking off DEAR week (Drop Everything and Read) by reading about woodland animals in the Missouri Department of Conservation’s Xplor magazine and exploring new vocabulary with multiple meanings including the word ‘shed’. Also, we are using our green screen technology by sharing book recommendations and honoring our veterans. - Mrs. Pennington #DragonNation

C.I.S. was honored to have over 40 veterans attend the Veterans Day breakfast. We thank them for their dedication to our country. Please hop over to our Facebook page to see all the wonderful pictures. #DragonNation

Monday was a full day of training for Cameron teachers and staff. C.I.S. Is very thankful to Nelle's Restaurant for the wonderful biscuit and gravy breakfast and for the Board of Education that provided fruit and cookies. We are very grateful for our school community. #DragonNation

To celebrate Drop Everything and Read DEAR week (deer season) these 5th grade students took time to read around the “campfire.” #DragonNation

It's show week! Please join us for the CHS production of Frozen, JR this weekend. Tickets can be purchased online for $8 or $10 at the door. You don't want to miss this fantastic production in our wonderful new Performing Arts Center! www.showtix4u.com Search Cameron

Mrs. Erickson's class got to see their very own Miss Libby aka Elsa in action today! #DragonNation

C.I.S. students were able to watch a small section of the Frozen Jr. play today at CHS. It was a very well directed play with some of our own students performing. You will not want to miss the play this weekend! #DragonNation