Cameron R-I School District has implemented a program entitled Super S.T.A.R. (Students Teaching Awareness and Resistance). The mission of this program is to encourage high school students to serve as drug free role models for younger students. They are chosen on the basis of being drug free and of outstanding character. These students are asked to sign a contract that they will remain drug free for the duration of their high school tenure. They agree to visit the elementary and middle school during Red Ribbon Week, speaking to students about why they have chosen a drug free lifestyle, what motivates them, how they handle peer pressure, and why academics are important also. The Super S.T.A.Rs will present to CIS on Wednesday, October 25th. #DragonNation
over 1 year ago, Melanie Rucker
Drug Free Super STAR
This week is Red Ribbon Week! We will celebrate making Really Excellent Decisions with a few dress up days! #DragonNation
over 1 year ago, Melanie Rucker
red ribbon week
CIS would like to thank Firemen Jim McKinley and Ross Worth for presenting fire safety guidelines last week. They talked about how to respond in the event of a house fire and explained how the firemen would look in their suits. Paramedic Nathan Jones talked about how to be safe and gave information about what might happen when paramedics arrive on a scene. We are so thankful for all of the men and women that respond to emergencies every single day. #DragonNation
over 1 year ago, Melanie Rucker
fire safety
Fire safety
Fire safety
fire safety
Mrs. Wolfe's class learning about the importance of a positive digital footprint and illustrating their own in computers class. #DragonNation
over 1 year ago, Melanie Rucker
digital footprint
digital footprint
digital footprint
digital footprint
digital footprint
digital footprint
digital footprint
digital footprint
Ms. Fitz’s class learning about the importance of a positive digital footprint and illustrating their own in computers class. #DragonNation
over 1 year ago, Melanie Rucker
digital footprint
digital footprint
digital footprint
digital footprint
digital footprint
digital footprint
digital footprint
Miss Kemper's class created systems out of jenga blocks to show collisions with our energy unit! #DragonNation
over 1 year ago, Melanie Rucker
energy unit
energy unit
energy unit
energy unit
energy unit
energy unit
Ms. Pope's class created Distributive Property Pumpkins, different/individual math strategies to solve multiplication & division, number talks, and our states of matter experiment that gradually creates rock candy! 🍭 #DragonNation
over 1 year ago, Melanie Rucker
rock candy
Rock candy
distributive property
distributive property
distributive property
distributive property
distributive property
These young artists have their owl projects displayed at the CHS commons today for the MarchFest. #DragonNation
over 1 year ago, Melanie Rucker
owl projects displayed
Mrs. Anderson’s social studies class working on Westward Expansion projects. #DragonNation
over 1 year ago, Melanie Rucker
westward expansion
westward expansion
westward expansion
westward expansion
westward expansion
The CIS Parent Retreat was Thursday. Pictures speak volumes for the fun that was had. #DragonNation
over 1 year ago, Melanie Rucker
Parent retreat
parent retreat
parent retreat
parent retreat
parent retreat
parent retreat
parent retreat
parent retreat
parent retreat
parent retreat
Miss Kemper's class learned how light energy can be transferred through nails, pennies, and potatoes to make a light light up! #DragonNation
over 1 year ago, Melanie Rucker
Miss Kemper’s class
Miss Kemper’s class
Ms. McIntosh's classes exploring energy and energy transfers. #DragonNation
over 1 year ago, Melanie Rucker
energy transfer
energy transfer
energy transfer
energy transfer
energy transfer
energy transfer
energy transfer
C.I.S. Book Fair starts Monday!! Student shopping hours are Mon.-Fri. 7:15-7:40 a.m. and each class will have a designated shopping time during the week.  View our Book Fair homepage to shop and set-up eWallet funds for your student. Thanks for supporting BOOKJOY!! 📚 Family Shopping night is Wed. 10/18 4:00-7:00 p.m. @ C.I.S. Library
over 1 year ago, Melanie Rucker
Book Fair
5th grade attendance pictures from last week! #DragonNation
over 1 year ago, Melanie Rucker
4th grade attendance pictures from last week. #DragonNation
over 1 year ago, Melanie Rucker
CIS is implementing a positive reward system based on attendance. Randomly, students who are in attendance a certain number of consecutive days will be eligible for a special reward. The rewards and the number of days will vary to encourage and motivate students to attend school regularly while they are healthy. Our goal is for all students to earn the attendance reward at some point during the year. Consistent attendance is important for academic progress and for building a strong sense of responsibility. Our first attendance reward was for being in attendance for 15 consecutive days ending October 5. On that day 61 students in 3rd grade, 61 students in 4th grade and 51 students in 5th grade had the opportunity to eat lunch outside. Thank you to all parents for your unending efforts to have the children at school when they are healthy. 3rd grade pictures. #DragonNation
over 1 year ago, Melanie Rucker
The CIS October Newsletter is posted. Please click the link below. #DragonNation
over 1 year ago, Melanie Rucker
October Newsletter
Mrs. Grimes and Mr. Stock’s class did a “book tasting” today to start their fiction unit! #DragonNation
over 1 year ago, Melanie Rucker
Book tasting
Book tasting
Book tasting
Book tasting
Book tasting
Book tasting
Book tasting
Book tasting
Mrs. Stevenson from the KC Regional Professional Development Center modeled reading vocabulary lessons for CIS teachers yesterday. #DragonNation #Alwayslearning
over 1 year ago, Melanie Rucker
Vocabulary  lesson
Vocabulary lesson
Vocabulary lesson
Vocabulary lesson
Vocabulary lesson
Vocabulary lesson
Ms. Pope's class had a busy day practicing the distributive property strategy with division! #DragonNation
over 1 year ago, Melanie Rucker
Distributive property
Distributive property
Distributive property
Distributive property
Distributive property
Distributive property