Ms. Pope's class had a busy day practicing the distributive property strategy with division! #DragonNation

CIS September Self-Worth students were recognized yesterday. A special thank you to PTSA for providing character education shirts to six lucky winners! #DragonNation

Mrs. Leeper's classes are showing texture with torn paper. #DragonNation

Mrs. Anderson, Mrs. Grimes and Mrs. Erickson's classes helped decorate the CIS sidewalks in honor of Stomp Out Bullying Day on Monday. #DragonNation

Homecoming dress up days made for good community building and “lifting” each other up! -Mrs. Erickson’s class #DragonNation

Miss Lee's class on a scavenger hunt around the room to identify subject and predicate parts of sentences using task cards. #DraginNation

Ms. Pope’s class had a fun time playing Quizziz, an interactive online game, to test their knowledge of Missouri border states! #DragonNation

Ms. Pope’s class had a fun time playing Quizziz, an interactive online game, to test their knowledge of Missouri border states! #DragonNation

Mrs. Grimes and Mr. Stock’s classes finished their Native American unit by presenting the posters they made! #DragonNation

Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce represented CIS at todays homecoming parade. #DragonNation

Mrs. Erickson's class A+ student, Miss Libby, came to visit in her homecoming court attire! Mrs. Erickson's class votes go to Miss Libby! #DragonNation

Happy Homecoming Friday!
I am thrilled to host a CIS parent mini-retreat October 19 from 5:30p.m.-7:30 p.m. at Venue 310. The sign-up sheet went home with students on Thursday and must be returned by October 5. If the form did not make its way to your home, please call CIS and we will send another one! #DragonNation

CIS students were greeted today by CHS football players and cheerleaders. Go Dragons! #DragonNation

Attached please find the delicious meals for October. #DragonNation

Mrs. Notch's class conducting chemical changes in various substances.#DragonNation

It's Homecoming week! Attached are the dress up days! #DragonNation

Mrs. Robinson’s homeroom working in small groups making inferences and finding evidence in the passage to support their claim! #DragonNation

CIS would like to send a sincere thank you to the Lowenstein family for their thoughtfulness. #DragonNation

Miss McBee’s homeroom had Friday Flash Card Frenzy during Social Studies to review Chapter 8 vocabulary over the American Revolution! #DragonNation

In an effort to keep you updated on what your children are learning in Specials classes at Parkview and CIS, a newsletter will be shared quarterly. We know how much children enjoy these classes and we hope this information will give you an idea of what they are learning. Please click on the link below. #DragonNation