Thank you to the CHS Drug Free Super S.T.A.R. student group for spending time with C. I.S. students encouraging drug free behavior. #DragonNation

Happy Wednesday! I wanted to send a reminder Cameron R-Iwill not have school tomorrow, October 24 or Friday, October 25. Students will return to class on Monday, October 28th. We look forward to seeing you tomorrow to visit about your child's progress so far this year. #DragonNation

Reminder: No school Thursday and Friday , October 24th and 25th. Please reach out to your child's building if you have any questions about conference times.

Mark your calendar for the C.I.S. Book Fair! #DragonNation

It's not too late! Come to CHS to watch the Cameron staff against the Harlem Wizards! Get tickets at the door! #DragonNation

Red Ribbon Week is next week, October 21-23. Please see the attached flyer for dress up day information. #DragonNation

C.I.S. Students Honoring Their Family Member Veterans
On Friday, November 8, 2024, C.I.S. will be honoring family member veterans of our students by serving them breakfast. This is a small token of appreciation for the sacrifices our veterans have made to this wonderful country we live in. Students at Cameron Intermediate School will be allowed to eat breakfast with their veteran in the commons during our normal breakfast time from 7:15-7:50 am. Veterans will eat free and students will be charged as normal.
We will be serving biscuits and gravy, fruit, coffee, and juice.
Please complete this form that was sent via email by Friday, November 1 at 12:00pm. If you have any questions, please call the office at 816-882-1046.

Tonight is the night! From 7:00-9:00pm at CHS the Harlem Wizards will be talking on Cameron R-I staff! I promise you will not want to miss it! Here is a glimpse of the greatness! Get your ticket now! #DragonNation

It was a big day at C.I.S. We started the day with Chamber of Commerce businesses connecting students to their community. Thank you to all the businesses for your time. #DragonNation

The Cameron firefighters and paramedics presented to CIS students yesterday. #DragonNation

A friendly reminder that Cameron R-I will dismiss school early tomorrow for homecoming. C.I.S. will dismiss at 12:23p.m. We are expecting many changes to students dismissal procedures. If there is a change to your child's normal dismissal procedure, call the office as early as possible so the information can get relayed in a timely fashion. C.I.S. phone number is 816-882-1046.
We want to thank you for your grace in advance. #DragonNation

Mark your calendars for our Hallway Hunt, an event for all students attending Parkview and Cameron Intermediate School on Tuesday, October 22 from 4:00p.m.-6:00p.m.
How strong is your phonics game? Your child will help you find out!
Please join us and stick around for our parent meeting at 6:00 PM to learning more about reading at Parkview and Cameron Intermediate School. #DragonNation

Students presented over a Missouri Cave that they researched to their classmates! What a fun time and lots of interesting facts about the Missouri Caves! -Mrs. Gitthens

Students in Ms. Beasley’s class researched a Missouri cave and shared their findings with their classmates. #DragonNation

C.I.S. teachers met after school today vertically, all ELA/SS teachers together and all Math/Science teachers together, to analyze Missouri Assessment Program results. #DragonNation

Happy Fall!
Please click the link below to read the C.I.S. October Newsletter. Have a great month!

World Bullying Prevention and Awareness Day 2024
Call: 988 or Text: 838255
For more information: https://www.stopbullying.gov/resources/get-help-now#:~:text=Dial%20988%20then%20press%201,Text%20838255
To view Cameron R-1 School District's Bullying Policy or Report Form: https://www.cameron.k12.mo.us/o/cameron-r1-school-district/page/bullying-reporting-forms

Energy conversion project pictures from Mrs. Riddell. #DragonNation

In science this week students had to pick a business owner and help them solve a problem to transfer energy. These engineers worked so hard! -Mrs. Hamilton #DragonNation

Students had so much fun in this activity! 5th graders created a model listing and describing the six key elements of photosynthesis.
-Ms. Pope #DragonNation