Flu/ & COVID Vaccine Clinic 10/24/24, 11 am - 3 pm, CHS Commons/Cafeteria
Clinic will take place concurrently with Parent /Teacher Conferences & is open to staff, students, and families. *See Attached

Cameron's Homecoming festivities for next week are looking wild! Please watch for communications from your child's individual school for any possible slight variations in dress-up days or building-specific events. Welcome to the Jungle - it's a great time to be a Dragon! (See attached flyer).
Please note early dismissal on Friday, 10/11, and NO SCHOOL/Teacher In-Service on Monday, 10/14!

Introducing the C.I.S. September Character students! These students are representing their classes for showing self-worth. #DragonNation

Disney's NEWSIES The Broadway Musical is coming to a stage near you - the Cameron Performing Arts Center - the weekend of November 15th, 16th, and 17th! Purchase discounted tickets now by scanning the QR code on the attached poster, or pay full price at the door (if there are any seats left)!

Social Worker Newsletter Fall 2024

In science last week students worked on being an engineer and designing their own windmill out of recycled material. They were so creative with their designs! #DragonNation

Preschool Screening
Friday, October 11, 2024, 7:30-11:00 am
Parkview Elementary
Call (816) 882-1035 to schedule an appointment

4th grade Science used marbles to show the transfer of energy.- Mrs. Hamilton #DragonNation

C.I.S. will be participating in Homecoming Week, October 7-11. The 2024 Homecoming Theme is "Welcome to the Jungle." The Homecoming Spirit Week dress up days are pictured below if you would like to plan ahead.
Please note for Tuesday, October 8, the class colors are as follows:
5th Grade - Class of 2032 - Red
4th Grade - Class of 2033 - Blue
3rd Grade - Class of 2034 - Green
We are excited to have our Elementary Dragons cheering on our CHS Dragons! #DragonNation

To understand perspectives, fifth graders learned about Helen Keller and the challenges she faced. They gained an understanding of perseverance through life’s struggles and how to overcome obstacles. They also learned about sign language and braille. Great job, fifth grade!!- Mrs. Fitzgerald #DragonNation

Mrs. Anderson & Mrs. Robinson’s classes enjoyed exploring braille readers as part of the mini unit exploring Helen Keller and perspective! Thanks Dr. Janovec for bringing them! #DragonNation

Students in my social studies class wrapped up our Native American unit by working in groups to create posters about the Native American Regions we have been studying. -Miss Lee #DragonNation

Mrs. Grimes and Mrs. Riddell’s classes presented their posters about the Native Americans regions. #DragonNation

We have officially kicked off the C.I.S. Reading Olympics in the library!! Ask your student what books they are reading to earn an Olympic bingo. Please join me this year by helping our students become gold medal readers by keeping conversations about reading positive and encouraging. Check out these students engaging in our library learning! I can’t wait to see our students become Olympic readers! Thank you for your support! -Mrs. Pennington❤️📚

Ms. Pope's class collaborated to multiply a decimal by single digit whole number. Then they related it to a written method through application of the area model (a picture or visual). Finally, students explained the reasoning. #DragonNation

Cameron Intermediate Schools wants to send a shout out to Wal-Mart for the school supply donation! We are grateful for their generosity. #DragonNation

In science last week Mrs. Hamilton's students observed different kinds of energy with bowling, a marble on a ramp, and flashlights/energy sticks. The kids love hands on learning! #DragonNation

Congratulations to Ms. Pope and Mrs. Fahrmeier for winning the Renaissance tickets that were so kindly donated by the Cameron Newspaper. #DragonNation

Mrs. Ray’s class has been working hard on their multiplication and division strategies! #DragonNation

Mrs. Hamilton's class has been working on building a restraint system in science. Today they got to test their restraint system with their egg passenger! #DragonNation