Good Afternoon CIS Parents!
I want to start off by thanking everyone for an amazing start to school. It has been refreshing seeing the kiddos and having them back in school. Please see below for some reminders:
-For morning drop off, please remember to use the drop off lane, pull forward as far as you can, and remain in your vehicle! Please make sure your child's backpack, lunch box, mask, etc. are ready to go.
-Picture retakes will be Tuesday, October 6. On this day, virtual students will have the opportunity to have their picture taken between 10:00-11:00 am.
-Virtual learners may also have their picture taken Monday, September 21, from 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm at Central Office.
-If your student is feeling ill, please keep them at home!
-Online Learners: There is FREE WiFi and printing available at our district's Central Office for families to utilize between 8:00 am - 3:00 pm during any scheduled school day. A computer and printer are located in the PD room for printing. The address for Central Office is 423 N Chestnut.
-The Cameron Public Library now also has a computer print space for families to work and print school materials from. A BIG shout out to the Cameron Optimist Club!
Please remember there is NO SCHOOL Monday, September 7. Happy Labor Day!

The Cameron School District has an immediate opening for a paraprofessional position. Applicants should have 60 college hours and email a copy of your transcripts to jgates@cameronschools.org and mcrawford@cameronschools.org; or be willing to take and pass the MEGA (Missouri Educator Gateway Assessment) assessment for paraprofessionals upon hire.
The goal of this position is to assist the teacher to achieve teaching objectives by working with individual students or small groups, establish good relationships with students and with staff members, and to assist with helping students achieve skills.
Please apply by clicking on the link: https://cameronr1.tedk12.com/hire/Index.aspx

Breakfast and Lunch Menus for September are the same among all buildings.

Attention 5th grade parents:
Robotics club involves engineering Lego Mindstorms EV3 robots. As a part of the robotics club, students will have the opportunity to hone their skills in designing, programming, and testing a fully functioning robot. Students in this program gain skills in engineering, logical reasoning, and most importantly teaming up with classmates to solve problems. Reserve your spot by completing the following registration.
Questions or concerns contact Mr. Wernimont by email: mwernimont@cameronschools.org or by phone: 816-882- 1041
Registration Form: https://forms.gle/CJnXZ5gYh3NVF9qH8

Our first picture day will be Tuesday, September 1. Our virtual students will have the opportunity to have their picture taken between 7:00-8:00 am. Virtual students will enter through the main office door. Students will need to wear a mask upon entering the building and will be able to remove it for the picture. Students will be required to leave once they have had their picture taken through the main office door. Our picture make-up day is scheduled for Tuesday, October 6. On this day, virtual students will have the opportunity to have their picture taken between 10:00-11:00 am. Please see the information below from SCH, our photography company (formerly known as Scholastic Photography.
Cameron Intermediate Fall Portraits 2020
Picture day: September 1, 2020
Passcode : 315258289

The updated Cameron R-1 School District Re-Entry Plan for the 2020-2021 can be found at the link: https://5il.co/je3d

The deadline for the Method of Instruction Request Form has been extended to August 7. The form can be accessed at: https://forms.gle/z4pb7mTzwuEi4tJj9

The Cameron R-1 School District re-entry plan for the 2020-2021 school year is now live at: https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/819903/Re-Entry_Plan.pdf.
Each student will need to have a Method of Instruction Request form linked below completed by Wednesday August 5th. https://forms.gle/hyx6J3FCtkUZKHuc9

Cameron Intermediate School's 2020 - 2021 School Supply List

Now Hiring!
School Bus Drivers
Apply at: www.durhamschoolservices.com
or call Angel at (816) 632-2421 for more information.

Questions about Summer School? Please contact our Summer School Administrators, Michael Wernimont (816-882-1041) for 4th - 8th grade and Derek Lannigan (816 - 882- 1051) for K - 3rd Grade.

Cameron will offer FREE meals available for pick-up to ANY person 18 & under starting June 1. Meals will be available 11-12 daily. Pick-up locations include the HS commons, YMCA and Elk's Lodge parking lots. If interested, please sign-up here: https://forms.gle/vn26Ea3Ru7jaLp8E9

Good Morning,
Please take a few minutes to complete our short survey. Your feedback is essential in helping CIS identify what supports were most effective during the recent building closure. The survey will also help us to better support your family if future use of alternative methods of instruction (AMI) is needed. We ask that you complete one survey per child so we can better understand each of your child's needs. The survey is due June 5th. Thank you in advance for your time and participation.

Cameron Parents:
Summer School will start on July 6th and go through the 31st at Cameron Veterans Middle School. In an effort to create the safest environment for our students, we will be running two 2-week sessions and splitting students up into smaller groups. Students are welcome to wear face masks and gloves if desired, but it will not be required nor supplied by the district.
The session will be as follows:
6th-8th grade: July 6th - 17th
4th-5th grade: July 20th - 31st
Hours of Operation:
School starts at 7:30 am and will be in session until 2:15 pm. Buildings will be open at 7:15 am. Please do not drop students off prior to this time.
The attendance incentive is only $50 for 100% attendance for the 2 weeks. Any absence will result in not getting the incentive. If your child is sick, please adhere to the CDC recommendation to stay home until the symptoms have subsided.
Breakfast and lunch will be provided for all students free of charge.
Confirming Summer School Enrollment:
Please click on the following link to confirm that your student will be attending Summer School. Even if you have already enrolled your student before, we will need to go through the forms and fill out the information so we know for certain what our numbers will be for the July session.
3rd through 8th grade
Due to the loss of school days, summer school is more important now than ever before. We look forward to making it a fun, yet educational experience for your child.
Mr. Lannigan (K-3) and Mr. Wernimont (4-12)
dlannigan@cameronschools.org and mwernimont@cameronschools.org

Parents don't forget that CIS will be open from 8:00-3:00 today to drop off or pick up:
-Learning packets
-Library books
-Any remaining belongings
*You can also pay any outstanding lunch balance on your student's account.
*Please come to the main office entrance.
*Any remaining belongings that are not picked up will be discarded

Parents don't forget that CIS will be open until 7:00 this evening to drop off/pick up:
-Learning packets
-Library books
-Any remaining belongings
*You can also pay any outstanding lunch balance on your student's account.
*Please come to the main office entrance.
*Any remaining belongings that are not picked up will be discarded.

Grade cards and teacher placement for next year will be mailed home the last week in May to the first week in June. 4th quarter grades were determined during the COVID-19 crisis and will follow the CIS standards-based grading scale (4, 3, 2, 1). Students were provided learning packets and online learning opportunities in an effort to provide practice over previously taught standards. I know this was a difficult time for everyone and the added stress to help educate your child was not easy. We value your commitment to helping your child continue to learn and appreciate the time you spent on school work.

Outstanding lunch balances can be paid online at https://cameron.revtrak.net/ or by in-person payment at CIS. If payment in full is not made by June 30, 2020, the balance will be forwarded to the 2020-2021 school year.

CIS Parents/Guardians:
If you were unable to pick up your student’s belongings last week, we are offering additional days/times to pick up belongings, drop off learning packets, library books, etc. Yearbooks are projected to be delivered Tuesday, May 12 and will be made available to pick up beginning Wednesday, May 13 .
Available times:
-Tuesday: 8:00 am - 3:00 pm
-Wednesday: 8:00 am - 3:00 pm
-Thursday: 8:00 am - 1:00 pm AND 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm
-Friday: 8:00 am - 3:00 pm
*Items that are not picked up by 3:00 pm on Friday, May 15 will be discarded.

5th Grade Families…
Please have your student check their email for a video about CVMS & 6th grade schedules.
Please have schedule forms completed by Friday, May 15th.
You may email amcdaniel@cameronschools.org with any questions.