Please check your email or Class Dojo for building updates as of 4/23/2020. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Erdman, jerdman@cameronschools.org or Mrs. Sedgwick, ksedgwick@cameronschools.org. You can also reach us at CIS 816-882-1046.

Sign-up by Friday, March 27th for ANY individual age 18 & under during the COVID-19 school closure to receive meals for the next week. If you signed up the week before you do not need to fill out the form again.
If interested, please sign-up here: https://bit.ly/33rkGrb or call 816-882-1104 leaving a message. Meals will be delivered free of charge.

Today is the last day to sign up for free meals next week for ANY individual age 18 & under during the COVID-19 school closure. If interested, please sign-up here: https://bit.ly/33rkGrb or call 816-882-1104 leaving a message. Meals will be delivered free of charge.

The Cameron District will offer meals FREE of charge to ANY individual age 18 & under during the COVID-19 school closure. If interested in receiving meals,please sign-up here: https://bit.ly/33rkGrb or call 816-882-1104 leaving a message. Meals will be delivered free of charge.

Mark your calendars! Friday, March 27 will be our MAP Awards Assembly! We will be celebrating our results from the 2018-2019 MAP test. This will take place at Dave Goodwin Field beginning at 8:30 am. We are looking forward to celebrating the hard work of our students and teachers!

The end of the 3rd quarter is today. Grade cards will be sent home Friday, March 13.

Please join us March 12 from 5:00-7:00 for our family literacy night!

The following elementary students art work will be displayed in Jefferson City for Youth Art Month! Congratulations to Rosemarie, Bellamy, Emmylou, and Cale!

We are excited to have a date set for our 4th grade Donuts With Grownups!

Just a reminder that math tutoring begins today after school. Tutoring will be on Tuesdays & Thursdays from 3:00-3:50.

Thank you KC Wolf for coming to CIS yesterday to discuss bullying prevention! The students and teachers loved the assembly! His message was Don’t be a bully- Be a buddy, which focused on treating everyone with respect and kindness despite our differences.

Due to projected forecasts, the Cameron R-I School District will not be in session Friday, January 17th.
There is also NO SCHOOL Monday, January 20 in recognition of Martin Luther King Jr Day.

Grade cards will go home with students on Friday, January 10.

Just a reminder that school will resume on Monday, January 6! See everyone then!

Please see the attached for information on our winter concerts!

Winter parties will be December 19. Please see the attached flyer for more information!

Happy Thanksgiving to our CIS families! Just a reminder that school will not be in session November 27-29. School will resume Monday, December 2.

D.E.A.R. Week November 18-22

5th-grade student ambassadors serving our veterans

Veteran's Day Breakfast 2019!