Happy Friday CIS!
We hope you will support the Cameron Dragon football team at their home opener tonight at 7:00. Reminder students are only allowed in the stadium with a parent and must sit by the parent during the game. Thank you for understanding! #DragonNation

Good day CIS!
September begins tomorrow! Here are the breakfast and lunch menus. #DragonNation

Join us this Friday, September 1st, and wear your character shirt! Let it be known: Dragons Have Character!

A special thank you to BTC Bank and Ryan Lockridge for providing wonderful ice cream treats for the staff today. It was a dynamic first week of school and we are so grateful! #DragonNation

Introducing "The Gold," Cameron R-1 School District's news publication featuring pertinent information for all district stakeholders. We are pleased to offer this new method of communication and will release additional issues throughout the school year. #dragonnation

CIS Parents and Guardians:
UMKC is providing a free oral health program to our students to help prevent tooth decay.
A consent form (front and back) was sent home with students yesterday. August 23. Please return it with a yes or no by August 30.
Mrs. Rucker

There has been a change to the breakfast menu for tomorrow, August 22, 2023. Thank you for understanding. #DragonNation

Cameron R-I Open House is currently underway. We will be welcoming students and their parents until 6:00pm. #DragonNation

Cameron R-I welcomed teachers back today! CIS teachers learned about a reading resource from Mrs. Burnett and about Read-Lead-Exceed requirements from Dr. Utecht. They also met in teams, prepared their classrooms, and participated in a @Goosechase competition. #DragonNation

Here are the CIS August breakfast and lunch menus. #DragonNation

A huge shout out to Cosmetic Dentistry for the school supply donations. We are so thankful for your generosity and thoughtfulness. #dragonnation

@CameronSchools administrators participated in #teachtech23 with district leaders from Mid-Buchanan and Lawson. #DragonNation

Teaming Up with Tech 2023 conference has begun @CameronSchools.
A shout out to Mrs. Limb for organizing a four District conference at CVMS.
Mrs. Janovec, Miss Kemper, and Mrs. Sedgwick all presented at the first session. #DragonNation

Dragon Nation, here's your Sneak Peek!! 🫣 Don't miss your opportunity to show support for the Cameron Character Education Program while advertising your business or family on the back of every printed character t-shirt. Talk about a great, affordable advertising opportunity! The deadline for signup and payment is July 31st. Let's do this! #dragonnation 🖤💛

Cameron R-1 School District is looking to hire a CIS special education paraprofessional for the 2023-2024 school year. See the link below for more information:

CIS School Supply List

Please take advantage of this great opportunity for all Cameron Community Youth.

CMVS (4th-8th Grade) Summer School Parents/Guardians:
6th-8th Grade Summer School students will be going to the Cameron YMCA tomorrow, June 27th. Students will need to bring a pair of socks for roller skating. The concession stands will be open for students if they would like to buy any snacks or refreshments.

CVMS (4th-8th Grade) Summer School Parents/Guardians,
If your student(s) will be receiving an attendance check for summer school, a parent/guardian must pick up the check from 3 p.m.-5 p.m. on Tuesday, June 27th. If a parent/guardian cannot come in person, you will need to call CVMS at 816-882-1041 by 2:00 p.m. on Monday, June 26th, with the name of the adult (18 and over) who will pick up the check.
After 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, June 27th, all remaining checks will be available each day at Cameron R-1 School District Central Office from 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Below is a picture of the letter that was sent home with students on Thursday, June 22nd.

Ms. Gitthens' class practiced building the United States one piece at a time!