Good Afternoon,
A link for the 4 - 8 Summer School is attached in this message. Please take some time to submit a form with your student(s) information so they can get enrolled in a class for this summer. There will also be a link on the CIS web page that will take you to the enrollment form as well.
Thank you,

When 4th grade Geometry meets Glow Day! Please hop over to the C.I.S. Facebook page for pictures! #DragonNation

Happy Day C.I.S. Families!
We hope to see you all this evening from 4:00-6:00 p.m. Come and go as your schedule allows! #DragonNation

Join us for our Title Family Night and Book Fair Open House Thursday night 4:00-6:00 p.m.! #DragonNation

Mrs. Hamilton's class conducted research on a natural disaster and presented their research to the class. #DragonNation

CIS book fair and Read Across America is next week! The book fair begins on Tuesday. #DragonNation

Good Day C.I.S. Families:
Please click on the link below to read the C.I.S. March Newsletter. #DragonNation

C.I.S. Families,
Sorry this is late. Here are the breakfast and lunch menus for March.
Tomorrows lunch has been changed to spaghetti, bosco stick, peas, and fruit salad. #DragonNation

A group of 4th and 5th grade students had a great visit to the University of Central Missouri for the Children’s Literature Festival! Mrs. Pennington took them to see several authors discuss their books and the writing process. They even got some of their books signed, answered questions correctly about their books, and asked great questions! The interaction and experience with the authors was awesome! #DragonNation

Good day families: C.I.S. Spring pictures, individual and class, will be on Thurday, March 7. Pleae see the ordering details below. Even if you do not order pictures please know your child will be in the class picture and to dress for success. #DragonNation To Order: WagnerPortraitGroup.com Pre-Order Password: 9B7Y3P7W

Ms. Beasley’s friend, Sylas, brings in a book he illustrated for his class to read! It was all about a thundercloud that learns to be a good friend and turns into the sun. #DragonNation

Congratulations to our February Character Students that are empathetic. #DragonNation

Please join us at CIS on March 14 from 4:00-6:00p.m. for our spring Title Family Night. This event is for grades PreK-5 and promises to be a great time!

The February student menu of a walking taco with mexican rice was served today. Our students that chose the menu are pictured. #DragonNation

C.I.S. yearbooks are on sale for $18. Keep the memories alive and order today! Order forms have been sent home. If you need another one, please call the office. #DragonNation

Four C.I.S. faculty members received the Dragon Excellence Award at last nights Board of Education meeting for earning advanced degrees.
Congratulations to the following teachers:
Brandi Fahrmeier -
Master of Education in School Counseling from Southeastern Oklahoma State University
Morgan Gitthens -
Masters of Science in Reading from NWMSU
Reading Specialist Certification form NWMSU
Carley Hamilton -
Masters in Educational Leadership from NWMSU
Brooke Ray -
Masters in Elementary Education from NWMSU

Ms. Pope's class continued learning about equivalent fractions using shaving cream!!! They loved it! #DragonNation

My apologies for this late post. Technology...
Mrs. Hamilton's Science classes learned about weathering & erosion with lots of hands on investigations!! Please check out all the pictures on our Facebook page. #DragonNation

Ms. McIntosh's science class conducted a Skittles weathering and erosion lab. Students observed how weathering affects rocks and watched how erosion takes the color away from the rock. #DragonNation

Ms. McIntosh's class conducting a Skittles weathering and erosion lab. Students observed how weathering affects rocks and watching how erosion takes the color away from the rock. #DragonNation