CIS Winter Classroom Parties

It's Winter Concert week! We hope to see you Tuesday &/or Thursday evening!

CIS December Menus

D.E.A.R. Week
Drop Everything And Read

We are excited to share the dates for the CIS Winter Concerts!
Please add the following dates to your calendar:
3rd Grade - Tuesday, Dec. 6th 6:00-6:30
4th Grade - Tuesday, Dec. 6th 7:00-7:30
5th Grade - Thursday, Dec. 8th 6:00-6:30
Please note that we have 3 different concerts to allow for adequate parking and seating .

We have an opening for a special education paraprofessional starting Jan. 2023. The goal of this position is to assist in achieving teaching objectives by working with individual students or small groups. Apply at: https://cameronr1.tedk12.com/hire/ViewJob.aspx?JobID=2394

CIS Fall Parties Information
Oct. 31, 2:00-2:30

CHS Color Guard Mini Camp!
Nov 15 & 16
6:30 - 8:30 pm
Grades 5-8

CIS lunch menu change:
Instead of the Sun Butter for Lunch we will have Deli Sandwich (Turkey Ham with Cheese) Tater Tots, Pears

Please plan to join us on Thursday, Nov. 3rd from 4;30 - 6:00 PM.
We promise you'll have an "a-maize-ing" time!

Early Release
Friday, Oct. 7
12:20 PM

Stuff the Bus Event
Where: Cameron Wal-Mart
When: Friday, August 5th - Sunday, August 7th

Back to School Immunizations Clinic
Where: Cameron High School Parking Lot
When: August 18th from 5-7pm
Who: Current Middle School or High School Students
Vaccines Available: Tdap, Meningococcal, and HPV
Sponsored by Clinton County Health Department

2022 - 2023 - Supply Lists for Parkview, CIS, and CVMS

Mrs. Toni Cox Named Cameron Intermediate Principal

We are hiring paraprofessionals for the 2022-2023 school year!

Register 4th -8th graders for summer school by May 11th.
Registration Link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTVU3x-r05mUJOEaqiPyIVBwsXhx5nM4lF6U7RujedNGrGxmm4qvvGzrwFM_KPRU6G2lv5gF0CjsP5c/pub

Summer School Information: It is not too late to sign up! Join us!
Dates: June 1 - June 28
Location: Cameron Veterans Middle School
Times: 7:30 to 2:15 (Breakfast from 7:15 to 7:30)

Don't forget that tonight is the 3rd and 4th grade spring music concerts! Doors will unlock at 5:30.
3rd Grade: Please arrive by 5:40. Students will meet in their homeroom classroom. Concert starts at 6:00. At the conclusion of the concert, please be mindful of our 4th grade parents/guardians trying to park for their concert. Thanks for your help with this.
4th Grade: Please arrive by 6:40. Students will meet in their homeroom classroom. Concert starts at 7:00. Please be aware that the gym/parking lot will be clearing out at roughly 6:30 so parking will be limited until then.