Cameron Schools will designate today, Tuesday, January 23rd, 2024, as an AMI day. Teachers should be available to their students through email between the hours of 9:30 to 2:30. #DragonNation
about 1 year ago, Melanie Rucker
AMI day
The link below will guide you to the 3rd Quarter Specials Newsletter! #DragonNation
about 1 year ago, Melanie Rucker
3rd Quarter Specials
The December menu creation winners are pictured! They chose cheeseburger, tater tots, corn and strawberries. #DragonNation
about 1 year ago, Melanie Rucker
December menu
Mrs. Erickson's class reviewed phonics patterns with dictation practice, then used nonfiction text features to locate information in Missouri History textbooks! #DragonNation
about 1 year ago, Melanie Rucker
Cameron Schools will designate tomorrow, Friday, January 19th, 2024, as an AMI day. Teachers will be available to their students through email between the hours of 9:30 to 2:30. #DragonNation
about 1 year ago, Melanie Rucker
No School
Please see the image for breakfast and lunch updates for the rest of this week. #DragonNation
about 1 year ago, Melanie Rucker
Menu Changes
Reading Fluency Fresh Up with Ms. Pope today! #DragonNation
about 1 year ago, Melanie Rucker
If your child has a reading success plan, the plan will be sent home Friday, January 19 with the grade card. If you would like to set a time to meet with Mrs. Rucker to review your child's updated progress please call C.I.S. at 816-882-1046.
about 1 year ago, Melanie Rucker
Reading Success Plan
Tutoring will begin on Tuesday, January 23. There will not be tutoring tomorrow, January 18. Sorry for the late notice. #DragonNation
about 1 year ago, Melanie Rucker
Cameron Schools will designate tomorrow, Tuesday, January 16th, 2024, as an AMI day. Teachers are available to their students through email between the hours of 9:30 to 2:30. #DragonNation
about 1 year ago, Melanie Rucker
No School
Cameron Schools will not be in session today. The day is designated as an AMI day. AMI work packets were given to parents at parent teacher conferences or sent home with students. Teachers are available via email from 9:30-2:30 for questions. Stay safe. #DragonNation
about 1 year ago, Melanie Rucker
Mo School AMI day
Tutoring resumes on January 16! #DragonNation
about 1 year ago, Melanie Rucker
Thank you Officer Palmer for protecting and serving. #DragonNation
about 1 year ago, Melanie Rucker
law enforcement day
Good evening, Due to inclement weather, the Cameron R-1 School District will not be in session tomorrow Wednesday, January 10th, 2024. The day will be designated as a snow day. Please stay safe and warm. #DragonNation
about 1 year ago, Melanie Rucker
No School
The C.I.S. January newsletter can be seen by clinking the link below. Be safe! #DragonNation
about 1 year ago, Melanie Rucker
January news
Reminder no school today, January 8. Please note cars will be in the parking lot due to teachers working. #DragonNation
about 1 year ago, Melanie Rucker
No School
Welcome to the New Year! The December Board of Education meeting was held December 19. Below please find the link for the C.I.S. December Board of Education Report. #DragonNation
about 1 year ago, Melanie Rucker
Board report
Happy New Year to our C.I.S. families and friends. We wish you only the best this coming year! #DragonNation
about 1 year ago, Melanie Rucker
New Year
These students were the top vote getters when we combined the sweaters from Robinson/Anderson classes!! #uglysweatercontest
about 1 year ago, Melanie Rucker
ugly sweater
4th grade gingerbread house creation. They made for perfect area and perimeter learning. #DragonNation
about 1 year ago, Melanie Rucker
gingerbread house
gingerbread house
gingerbread house
gingerbread house
gingerbread house
gingerbread house
gingerbread house
gingerbread house
gingerbread house