CHS Government Students, DRGN Broadcasters, and CHS FFA members listen to and talk with Missouri Governor Mike Parson while attending his speech this morning at Cameron City Hall..
over 6 years ago, Cameron R-1 Schools
Governor Mike Parson poses with Cameron FFA
CHS Student interview Governor Parson
The Cameron Tournament has been postponed till tomorrow morning.
over 6 years ago, Cameron R-1 Schools
Scholastic Photography will be here Friday, August 24th for school pictures. Contact the office if you have questions.
over 6 years ago, Brett Jones
Special Olympics Flag Football has been canceled for Sunday, August 19th because of weather.
over 6 years ago, Cameron R-1 Schools
Special Olympics Football is this Sunday! The opening ceremony is at 12:30 pm and play starts at 1:00 pm. If you are interested in volunteering opportunities please arrive between 11 am and noon.
over 6 years ago, Cameron R-1 Schools
Football season is here! Cameron Jamboree starts at 6 pm at Goodwin Field.
over 6 years ago, Cameron R-1 Schools
Just a reminder...CHS will host our Open House tomorrow night (8/15) from 5:30 - 7:00 pm. There will also be an informational A+ meeting at 6:00 pm in the library. Hope to see you there! If you haven't registered online, please do so by tomorrow evening. Thank you. #DragonProud
over 6 years ago, Brett Jones
CHS Marching Dragons in the park with Cameron CIty Band on Aug 9th. Great Job Dragons!!!
over 6 years ago, Cameron R-1 Schools
Marching Dragons perform before the last City Band performance of the Summer
Cameron Marching Dragons perform in McCorkle Park
Color Guard Performs with the Band
Cameron Dragons 2018-19 Poms
Cameron High School Back to School Night is August 15 from 5:30 to 7:00 pm.
over 6 years ago, Cameron R-1 Schools
Day 1 of band camp in the books. #Rookiepower, #awesomefreshmen
over 6 years ago, Cameron R-1 Schools
First Year Band Students Practice Marching
First year students on the first day of Band Camp