CONGRATULATIONS to our Above and Beyond the Call winner, Ashley Cruickshank, and Teacher of the Year winner, Candessa Williams!! #CHS #DragonNation
2 days ago, Jayson Erdman
Congratulations to Bubba Pratt on his Class 2 120 lb STATE CHAMPIONSHIP at the MSHSAA State Tournament! #DragonNation #statechamp
3 days ago, Jayson Erdman
Congratulations to Will Erickson on his Class 2 113 lb 4th place finish at the MSHSAA State Tournament! #DragonNation
3 days ago, Jayson Erdman
Cameron R-1 School District's teachers, administration, and staff are looking forward to welcoming students, (penguins, maybe even polar bears) back to school tomorrow! ​I​t will still be cold in the morning, so don't forget those insulated hats and gloves. Since we'll be easing into the weekend with a one-day week, we've decided to forego the curling, and move right into speed skating so we can catch up on lost time. We'll see everyone in the rink bright and early!
10 days ago, Gina Bainum
Day 3,247: Well, it's still snow-covered and frigid, and we've decided to embrace the madness of living in Minnesota. Starting Friday (hopefully), we will return to school and plan to practice Curling all day. It's a lifetime, athletically-inclusive sport, and you compete on the ice when it's freezing. No School for the Cameron R-1 School District Thursday, February 20th.
11 days ago, Gina Bainum
We regret to inform you that we are expecting polar bears from Lawson, and after 40 days in the frozen tundra, we're hooking up the sled dogs. Seriously, it's still winter and we are struggling with some road conditions and cold weather. The Cameron R-I School District will not be in session Wednesday, February 19, 2025. This day will be made up at a later time.
12 days ago, Gina Bainum
The Cameron R-I School District will not be in session tomorrow, Tuesday, February 18th, due to the forecast for additional snow accumulations overnight and throughout the day tomorrow. There will be NO preschool screenings. If you still have winter decorations up, please take them down and consider replacing with spring decor - we are officially sick of winter!
13 days ago, Gina Bainum
Congratulations to our December/January Character Students of the Month! December/January's character trait was self-confidence. #DragonNation
16 days ago, Jayson Erdman
Students of the Month
Families and Staff - Following a couple spring-like days, we are reminded that it is still winter, and winter weather can arrive at any time. Though we have not taken advantage of a Late Start option for some time, the Cameron R-I School District would like to inform everyone that, should conditions allow, a 2-hour Late Start protocol could be utilized in the future. Ahead of any potential need, we'd like to take the opportunity to let you know what a 2-hour Late Start would look like. This is NOT a notice of a Late Start, but rather a communication to guide us should the need arise. Please review the attached memorandum for full details.
26 days ago, Gina Bainum
Late Start Memo
Late Start Memo
Go Dragons!
about 1 month ago, Ashley Cruickshank
Tomorrow, Tuesday, January 21st, has been designated an AMI day for the Cameron R-1 School District due to dangerous windchills that will last throughout the day. Please follow AMI protocols in place and stay inside, if possible. Warm coats, hats, and gloves will be needed when we return to school on Wednesday. Thank you.
about 1 month ago, Gina Bainum
Congratulations to our November Character Students of the Month! November's character trait was self-control. #DragonNation
3 months ago, Jayson Erdman
November Character Students of the Month
To honor our veterans, please join us on Tuesday, November 26 at 10:00 am for our Patriotic Concert! This concert is open to the public. As a small token of appreciation, we would like to serve our veterans and their families breakfast prior to the concert beginning at 8:30 am in the CHS commons. #DragonNation
3 months ago, Jayson Erdman
Breakfast/Patriotic Concert
Lots of laughs and crafts at the Fun Farm Day!! Thank you Cameron FFA for putting on such a fun event.
3 months ago, Derek Lannigan
Senior parents, remember to purchase a Senior Ad in the yearbook for your future graduates. This is a great way to show them you care! Go to and Cameron High School.
3 months ago, Cameron R-1 Schools
Please join us on Tuesday, November 26th, for our annual Patriotic Concert at Cameron High School! With gratitude, we invite Veterans and their spouses and family members to a complimentary breakfast in the CHS commons from 8:30-9:30 am, prior to the concert at 10 am, in the PAC.
3 months ago, Gina Bainum
Patriotic Concert & Veterans' Breakfast
Congratulations to our October Character Students of the Month! October's character trait was teamwork. #DragonNation
3 months ago, Jayson Erdman
October Character Students of the Month
October Character Students of the Month
Good afternoon, The Cameron R-1 School District is seeking initial feedback from families, staff, and the community as we begin to develop a long-term facilities improvement plan. We ask that you please take a couple minutes to complete this brief survey: To watch Dr. Robinson's interview about some of the possible projects, tune in at the 15:00 timestamp in this video: Thank you for taking the time to share your input with us! The Cameron R-1 School District
4 months ago, Gina Bainum
CO Sign
CHS Blood Drive 2024
4 months ago, Jayson Erdman
CHS Blood Drive 2024
No School/Teacher In-service Monday, Nov 11th - Veterans Day. Thank you to all Veterans of the United States Armed Forces for your service and sacrifice.
4 months ago, Gina Bainum
Happy Veterans Day 2024