The door decorations in the 8th grade wing are bound to put a smile on your face!!
almost 4 years ago, Tiffani Collins
March Doors
March Doors
March Doors
8th grade students are spreading positivity throughout the grade level wing. Thanks, 8th grade!
almost 4 years ago, Tiffani Collins
March Doors
March Doors
March Doors
CVMS Parents/Guardians/Families- The CVMS update can be found at *School is in session on March 17 *Conferences: March 18 (no school for students) *NO SCHOOL: March 19 *Due dates for assignments *Book Fair Info
almost 4 years ago, Tiffani Collins
Spring Book Fair
6th and 7th graders did some amazing work with classroom doors! Look at all of this creativity!
almost 4 years ago, Tiffani Collins
March Doors
March Doors
March Doors
6th Grade Wing is spreading the love! Look at these fun door decorations!
almost 4 years ago, Tiffani Collins
March Doors
March Doors
March Doors
Do any of these items look familiar? If they do, please talk to your student about checking the lost and (not yet) found. All unclaimed items will be donated at the end of the week. Thank you!
almost 4 years ago, Tiffani Collins
Lost and Found March
Lost and Found March
Lost and Found March
Congratulations to Mrs. Limb! She is the CVMS Teacher of the Year for 2020-2021!!! Mrs. Limb, thank you for sharing your greatness with us. You make a difference!
almost 4 years ago, Tiffani Collins
Mrs. Limb 2020-2021 CVMS Teacher of the Year
The CVMS update can be found at Here are the main points: *Conferences: March 18 *Due dates for assignments *NO SCHOOL: March 19
almost 4 years ago, Tiffani Collins
All girls in 6th and 7th grade that are interested in playing softball this fall needs to email Coach Pritchett to receive updates.
almost 4 years ago, Tiffani Collins
The CVMS update can be found at *Yearbook Information *Due dates for assignments *Track for 7th and 8th graders
almost 4 years ago, Tiffani Collins
Attention parents and guardians of 8th graders! It time to start planning for high school. See the attached document from the high school counseling department with information regarding enrollment. A hard copy was sent home with each student today.
almost 4 years ago, Hadley Fisher
Announcement: CVMS Track practice starts Wednesday, March 3rd 3-4:30pm. Meet in the CMS Gym, pick up will be a the track at 4:30pm (weather permitting). **Athletes must have a completed RS Athletics and a Physical on file with the district to participate. For more info email Coach Robinson and See see attached for more details.
almost 4 years ago, Hadley Fisher
CVMS Academic Team has their first meet tonight. Go Dragons!!
almost 4 years ago, Tiffani Collins
academic team
academic team
academic team
academic team
The CVMS update can be found at *Yearbook Information *Due dates for assignments *7th Grade Vision Screenings on Feb. 18 & 19
almost 4 years ago, Tiffani Collins
No School on Monday, Feb. 15 for Cameron R-1 Schools in observance of the President's Day.
almost 4 years ago, Cameron R-1 Schools
Mount Rushmore
There is no school tomorrow, Feb. 12. This is a traditional snow day. There will be no AMI lessons assigned. Stay warm and safe!
almost 4 years ago, Tiffani Collins
Attention 8th graders interested in playing football as Freshman. See the attached information. Bring the info sheet to signing day or return to the middle school. Direct questions to Coach Wallace at
almost 4 years ago, Hadley Fisher
6th Graders in Miss Covington's class are building prisms and pyramids with marshmallows. What a "sweet" way to learn about 3-D shapes! Check out these fun pictures!!
almost 4 years ago, Tiffani Collins
Marshmallow Prisms and Pyramids
Marshmallow Prisms and Pyramids
Marshmallow Prisms and Pyramids
The CVMS update can be found at *NO SCHOOL: Feb. 15 *Yearbook Information *Due dates for assignments *Revised District Calendar
almost 4 years ago, Tiffani Collins
Today is an Alternative Learning Method (AMI) Day. Assignments are posted in google classroom or via packets. Assignments are for a grade and are required for attendance purposes. Have a glorious day!
almost 4 years ago, Tiffani Collins