7th & 8th Grade Volleyball practice starts on Monday Aug. 23rd. Right after school- 5:00pm. Pick up at front door of CIS. Must have a completed physical form. Forms can be picked up at CVMS office if you do not have one. Athletes will be given schedule and information packet at first practice. Email coaches with any questions.
7th Grade- Angela McDaniel
8th Grade- Melissa Corley
CVMS Open House is tonight from 4-6pm! Hope to see you there!!!
Reminder: CVMS Open House is from 4:00-6:00 tomorrow, 8/17. We are limiting the attendance to the student and 1 parent. In addition, the CDC recommends face coverings for all unvaccinated individuals in indoor settings where social distancing can not reliably be maintained.
The CVMS update can be found on the CVMS Homepage. Here are the main points:
**Student Schedule Pick-Up on August 23
**Intruder/Reunification Drill for Staff
**First Day of School: August 23
**CVMS Open House August 17 from 4-6 pm
Incoming 6-8th graders, MAP 2021 scores will be issued to students on 8/23. If you would like to pick up scores early, CVMS is open from 7am-3pm. Incoming Freshman MAP/EOC scores can be picked up at CHS.
We are looking to add Paraprofessionals to our team!
Apply at: https://cameronr1.tedk12.com/hire/ViewJob.aspx?JobID=2333
CVMS will be hosting an Open House on Tuesday, August 17th from 4:00-6:00pm. Come meet your teachers and check out the building! Unfortunately, lockers won’t be available during this time.
Fall practice dates and times! Coaches will be sending out details soon! Everyone must have a current physical to practice!
Attention ALL new students to Cameron:
**New student enrollment/registration will be at CVMS on Aug.10 from 9am-3pm. Returning students who haven't completed registration/need access to the interned to register may attend.
**All CVMS student schedules will be available 8-23.
Good morning, CVMS families! If you haven't done so already, please check your email for snap codes required to complete the returning student registration process. Registrations should be completed by July 31. Thanks and have a glorious day!
Wondering about school supplies? Click here: https://5il.co/t2zl
Wondering about the school calendar? Click here: https://5il.co/tlx8
JULY 26-28 / 8am to 9:30am
West shelter at the Pool Park.
If any questions email Kurt Dickkut at kdickkut@cameronschools.org
Hey CVMS XC… let’s run together tomorrow! (Tuesday, July 20th) 9-9:30am (after weights).
Let’s meet at “the tables” in front of CVMS.
Attention CVMS Cross Country athletes… let’s get together for a “fun run” next Tuesday, July 20th at 9-9:30am after weights)
Plan on meeting at “the tables” at the front doors of CVMS and we’ll run a mile together (and talk about setting up other runs).
Bring water and let’s get started! Questions? Contact Mr. Robinson at probinson@cameronschools.org
Click here for the CVMS School Supply List: https://5il.co/t2zl
Click here for the Cameron R-1 District Calendar: https://5il.co/tlx8
If you are a RETURNING student trying to register and you have questions about the snap codes or the enrollment/registration process, please first contact Janie Gates at 816.882.1031 or jgates@cameronschools.org. If you have additional questions, please email Dr. Collins, CVMS Principal at tcollins@cameronschools.org. Thanks! We are excited for school to start!
Attention MS athletes... are you interested in running Cross Country?
See in the information packet here:
Fun Run days and times will be posted soon, join the CVMS XC Remind for days and times at https://www.remind.com/join/cvmsxc21
Looking for the CVMS school supply list? Click here: https://5il.co/t2zl
Looking for the Cameron R-1 District Calendar? Click here: https://5il.co/tlx8
If you are a NEW student trying to enroll and you have questions about the enrollment/registration process, please first contact Janie Gates at 816.882.1031 or jgates@cameronschools.org. If you have additional questions, please email Dr. Collins, CVMS Principal at tcollins@cameronschools.org. Thanks! We are excited to have you!
The 2021-2022 New Student registration is now open for students who are NEW to the Cameron School District and did NOT end the 2020-2021 school year as a student in Cameron. New Student Enrollment will be available online now until July 12th and re-open on August 1.
Returning Student enrollment will be open from July 12th - July 31st