Mrs. Janovec is recognized as the 2020 Cameron Teacher of the Year by the Chamber of Commerce. Mrs. Leeper is published worldwide. What an awesome way to share her greatness and that of CVMS artists! William is recognized for Special Olympics. Congrats!!!
The Environment Action Team is getting CVMS ready for the fall!!
8th grade CVMS students are ready to play! Go band!!
CVMS Rock Stars of the week! Mrs. Brown and Mr. Wernimont!! Front row parking next week.
CVMS is support the Pink Out game tonight!!! Fight like a Dragon!
Attention 7th/8th grade boys and parents/guardians: Middle School 7th/8th Boys Basketball Parent Meeting is TONIGHT (10/14) @6PM in the CVMS Commons. Any additional questions please call (816)882-1041.
Attention: 8th grade girls basketball will begin practice Monday, October 18th from 6:00-7:15am in the high school gym. Questions? Contact Coach White at
The CVMS update can be found on the CVMS Homepage. Here are the main points: **Quarter 1 Ends TOMORROW **Choice Board Packets for AMI Days will be sent home next week **October Emergency Drills **NO SCHOOL: Oct. 28 Conferences 1-8 pm **NO SCHOOL: Oct. 29
CVMS is next week, October 18-22! Students can come to the book fair before school starting at 730 am! View the virtual fair online by using the QR code in the picture above. Help CVMS reach their goal of $2,500! Questions? Contact Mrs. McKinley @
CVMS Morning Announcement Team is doing the first ever school wide math challenge! The competition ends Monday! The winner gets a Cameron sweatshirt and three free passes to a sporting event for this year! Best of luck to all CVMS students!!
8th grade students in the advanced Leader in Me class made brownies and delivered them to CVMS staff today with messages of thanks and encouragement! This was was created and planned fully by the students!!!
Congratulations to the CVMS 7th grade football team and coaches. They finished their season 3-1-1. Nicely done, Dragons!
Congratulations to the CVMS Softball Team and coaches! They finished the season with 11 wins!!! Way to go, Dragons!!!
What a great season for these two teams. So much to be proud of for both the 7th and 8th grade football teams. Way to go!
Great end to the season for the CVMS Cross Country Team at the Cameron Meet! Great job kids!!
Today was Snack Cart Day for CVMS staff. Thanks to Dalton and Maddox for their help with delivering special treats and smiles! Thanks to our staff for making CVMS the best place to be!
Come on, Dragons!! CVMS 8th grade volleyball tourney is underway in Chillicothe today! You can do it!!!
CVMS pictures were sent home today. Retakes are scheduled for Friday, October 15 for anyone interested or was not here when originally taken. Thank you!
CVMS Softball is thanking a teacher all day. Athletes were given the opportunity to give their jersey to a teacher for the day. Students picked teachers that have had a positive influence in their life. This is a three part post. Here's 3 of 3.
CVMS Softball ladies are thanking a teacher today for the positive influence they have received. The teacher is given the jersey to wear/display for the day. This is a three part post. Here's 2 of 3.