Mrs. Barlow's class doing a cool project with volume. Creative and fun that really made their minds work. #CVMS #DragonsRISE

Mrs. Janovec's class has some great diorama boxes depicting scenes from a novel they read in class. #CVMS #DragonsRise

CVMS Awards assemblies are on Tuesday. Parents are welcome for the assemblies.
6th Grade - 8:30
7th Grade - 9:30
8th Grade - 10:45

Congratulations to Mrs. McKinley! The Board of Education presented her with the Dragon Excellence Award for earning her Specialist Degree in Professional Leadership: Librarianship. We are proud of her and her accomplishments. #DragonsRise

Mrs. Barlow's students doing some fun and creative Volume activities in class this week. #CVMS #DragonsRise

Middle School Football information.

We have two of the best right here at CVMS. Thanks for all you do Mrs. Hahn and Mrs. Hale!!

Great turnout for a great concert. The CVMS Bands did a great job. Good work kids!

We apologize, but Bus Number 2's afternoon route will be delayed. If you have questions regarding your child's drop-off times, please reach out to the Bus Barn at 816-632-2421.

Bus 2 afternoon route will be delayed. We apologize for the inconvenience. If you have questions regarding your child's drop-off time, please call the Bus Barn at 816-632-2421.

It was great watching our choir students show off their amazing talents last night. #CVMS #DragonsRise

Wow! CVMS students showed off some amazing art at the annual art show tonight.

Game On! CVMS 2023 Summer School Summer School Registration Link: https://forms.gle/9HitX9cZz25uh9tK8
May 31 - June 27
Monday - Friday
7:30am - 2:15pm
Grades 4-8
Questions? Please contact Ms. Taylor Covington, Summer School Principal, at 816-882-1041

Don't forget to come out to the MS Choir concert starting at 5Pm on Thursday and take some time to check out some fantastic art work as well. #CVMS #DragonsRise

The Clinton County Health Department will have their mobile immunization van set up in the Cameron High School parking lot during physicals on May 10 from 3-6 pm. They will be offering the meningococcal and Tdap vaccinations to all incoming 8th graders for the 2023-2024 year. Immunization letters were mailed home to all 7th graders that will need these immunizations for their 8th-grade year. A parent/guardian must be present for their child to receive the immunizations on May 10th and you will need to bring your current insurance card if you have insurance. Please contact the school nurse if you have questions regarding the event or if you have questions regarding your child's immunization status.

Attention: 2024 Seniors and 2024 8th Grade Students:
The Clinton County Health Department will have its mobile immunization van set up during physicals on May 10 in the CHS parking lot. They will be offering the meningococcal vaccination to all incoming Seniors and the Tdap and meningococcal vaccines for all incoming 8th graders for the 2023-2024 year. Immunization letters were mailed home to all 7th graders and juniors that will need these immunization(s) for the upcoming school year. A parent must be present to receive the immunization(s) on May 10th and you will need to bring your current insurance card if you have insurance. Please contact the school nurse if you have questions regarding the event or if you have questions regarding your child's immunization status.

The Cameron Education Foundation treated district employees to a box lunch and the PTSA decorated classroom doors to kick off our appreciation celebrations! We'd like to thank both groups for their generosity and recognition! #DragonsRise

Several were recognized at the annual Cameron Area Chamber of Commerce Banquet. Congratulations to Mariah Anderson and Nathan Howell, Outstanding Youth Award recipients; Marlene Jackson, Educator of the Year; Dr. Laurie Mefford, Optimist Club Award; and Cameron R-1 School District for receiving the Transformational Award! There are some amazing things happening in and around the Cameron R-1 School District! #DragonRise

Some cool basket/bowl weaving skills going on in art class right now! #CVMS #DragonsRise

The CVMS agenda cover for the 23-24 was created by this great young artist and it was chosen by her peers from several other great options. #CVMS #DragonsRise