A team defeats Chillicothe tonight 32-28 #DragonNation
about 1 year ago, Jayson Erdman
B team falls to Chillicothe tonight 37-6. #DragonNation
about 1 year ago, Jayson Erdman
The Girls A team fell to the Hornets on the road tonight. We got some more open looks at the basket just couldn't get them to fall. #CVMS #DragonNation
about 1 year ago, Jove Stickel
Giles A team action
Girls BB the C/B Team split halves tonight in the first game falling to the Hornets. 23-10 #CVMS #DragonNation
about 1 year ago, Jove Stickel
C/B Gram at Chili
C/B Gram at Chili
In Family Time today Mrs. Leeper's team was learning g and developing some weaving skills. #CVMS #DragonNation
about 1 year ago, Jove Stickel
Weaving Skills
Weaving Skills
Weaving Skills
Weaving Skills
More photos from Mrs. Baker's SS class courtesy of Ms. Smith. #CVMS #DragonNation
about 1 year ago, Jove Stickel
6th Grade SS
6th Grade SS
It was so great to visit Mrs. Baker's classroom today and see her students talking so passionately about their projects. #CVMS #DragonNation
about 1 year ago, Jove Stickel
6th Grade SS
6th Grade SS
6th Grade SS
6th Grade SS
6th Grade SS
The CVMS Girls A team falls to a very physical Spring Garden team tonight. Onward Dragons #CVMS #DragonNation
about 1 year ago, Jove Stickel
CVMS Girls B team defeats Spring Garden 28-17 awesome to see these athletes gain confidence with each game. #CVMS #DragonNation
about 1 year ago, Jove Stickel
Some final info on our fantastic Trip to Youth and Government conference sponsored by the YMCA. CVMS had 2 outstanding spokesman 1 outstanding bill award 2 Bills passed by the Civic Leadership Institute Thanks To Ms. Vaiciulus our school sponsor, Mary Jo Eiberger YMCA sponsor and Staci Earley our additional chaperone. #CVMS #DragonNation
about 1 year ago, Jove Stickel
These two students crafted an awesome bill centered on higher teacher pay
this student wrote a bill on teen driving requirements
this was the entire delegation on their final night
This student spoke about getting our state employees better compensation
This participant showing a seal she received
having fun learning about government and leadership
Ready to expand their knowledge
It's show week! Please join us for the CHS production of Frozen, JR this weekend. Tickets can be purchased online for $8 or $10 at the door. You don't want to miss this fantastic production in our wonderful new Performing Arts Center! www.showtix4u.com Search Cameron
about 1 year ago, Cameron R-1 Schools
Frozen Junior Nov 17,18,19
Great night on the mat for the CVMS Dragons wrestling team at Oak Grove. Keep grinding!!
about 1 year ago, Hadley Fisher
Partner with us! Show your support of character education by wearing your character t-shirt and get free admission to home athletic events on November 21st and 30th! #dragonnation
about 1 year ago, Angie Ormsby
free admission
Great night of hoops in the Dragons Lair tonight. Both CVMS boys teams were highly competitive against very good Truman teams. Way to go Dragons.
about 1 year ago, Hadley Fisher
CVMS Girls BB dominates Truman tonight in Boothe the A and B game. The team played well together getting better each day. #CVMS #DragonNation
about 1 year ago, Jove Stickel
B game action
A game
Thank you Veterans from the students and staff of CVMS #DragonNatiin
about 1 year ago, Jove Stickel
MS Wrestling opened their season in Brookfield this week and had a solid first outing. #CVMS #DragonNation
about 1 year ago, Jove Stickel
warm ups in Brookfield
CVMS Wrestling
The CVMS girls A team continued the theme this evening playing hard for all 24 minutes, but fell short to Savannah. Keep grinding Dragons.
about 1 year ago, Hadley Fisher
The CVMS girls B team also brought the noise tonight. A hard fought back and forth battle, but in the end came up short to the Savages. Keep fighting Dragons.
about 1 year ago, Hadley Fisher
Extremely gritty performance by the CVMS girls C team. They held the lead many times but in the end fell just short to Savannah. Keep working hard Dragons.
about 1 year ago, Hadley Fisher