CHS parents and students,

The link attached below contains an enrollment form that will get your student enrolled in a summer course. The start date for CHS Summer School will be May 25th for all courses, but the end dates may vary. Hours of operation are from 8:00 am - 2:00 pm daily. There will be NO bus transportation provided for high school students. Attending summer school offers students the opportunity to work ahead in certain subject areas which creates room for more elective courses during the regular school year. It also provides an opportunity for students to recover any credit(s) that they may have failed to achieve during the previous semester/year. For families that have youngsters that are getting ready to start sharing the roadways in our community, we even offer to take on the joys of teaching the fundamentals of driving by offering Drivers Education. If you are interested in having your kiddo attending summer school at CHS please click on the link below and select your course ASAP. Classes cap at a max of 25 students. When selecting your course, please pay attention to the start and end dates and the prerequisite grade requirement before signing up.